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"The Homeless Chorus Speaks," a Susan Polis Schutz film, is a compelling documentary that creatively depicts a critical and timely social issue: people living without support and shelter. 
The film profiles 14-members of the Voices of Our City Choir. 
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The Homeless Chorus Speaks

This documentary shows that there is music on our city streets. That our unsheltered neighbors are like you and me. They dance, they sing, have dreams and aspirations. Life is tough on the streets, but hope has come in the form of the Voices of Our City Choir.

In Susan Polis Schutz’s documentary, 14 homeless members of the choir share their stories; from women who have been abused and used, to those battling addictions, to people who just can't afford housing, to people who need medical care. They talk about their backgrounds, why they are homeless, the inhumanity of homelessness, their hopes and dreams, and what they each think the solutions to the homeless problem is. 

"'The Homeless Chorus Speaks' is a compelling documentary that creatively depicts a critical and timely social issue: people living without support and shelter. Using a unique community choir (Voices of Our City Choir) as a vehicle to tell the stories of people suffering with homelessness, the film -- like all of Susan Polis Schutz’s documentaries --  effectively puts a human face on a crucial problem and makes it strikingly clear just how easily someone can end up living on the streets." — Lauren Mills, American Public Television 

While singing inspirational songs such as "Over the Rainbow," "We are Family," etc. their voices soar, and the harsh realities of the street evaporate if only for an hour. Suicides have been thwarted because of the friendships that have been formed. Together, in their shared voices, they find joy and family. From their music comes the power to change lives.

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