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Voices of Our City Choir receives $15,000 from The Hervey Family Fund at the San Diego Foundation

Last month Voices of Our City Choir received a generous grant of $15,000 from The Hervey Family Fund at the San Diego Foundation. This gift allows us to welcome new voices into this unique creative community for unsheltered San Diegans. We are continuing to invest in street outreach and mobile showers to bring new adults into our open doors. Because Voices’ work is rooted in community — the center of which is our Choir Members who have rebuilt their lives out of homelessness — together we will continue to encourage new members in their new chapter.

Our supporters hear their sound investment in the songs and stories of our choir members. That sound is full of soul, funk, and joy. The San Diego Foundation’s extraordinary gift builds on the generosity and trust of our supporter community. Thank you for sharing this moment of gratitude with us. There is more work to do, and it’s possible with you.

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